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Powerful Marketing Strategies during Disruptive Times

Recorded on March 31, 2020

Webinar Notes & Key Points

Now is the time to communicate more.


Use the Remix Strategy to increase the volume and creativity of ideas


The Remix Strategy is:

  1. Identify the needs of your customers

  2. Take stock of what you and your business does well

  3. Find the overlapping values and create content that highlights those overlapping values

Have questions about the Remix Strategy? Send me an email and I'll be happy to give you examples.


Create a Sales Funnel to convert audiences into paying customers.


A Sales Funnel is:

  1. A way to capture emails, usually through a landing page on your website

  2. Nurture those customers with content delivered via email

  3. Make a clear and direct Call to Action to purchase

Are you using a Sales Funnel to build your customer base? Let me know if you have questions about building a Sales Funnel.


Use Call to Actions to drive your audience to convert


A Call to Action is:

  • Clear, direct, has Immediacy

  • Buy Now, Call Now, Book Now, Order Now


Use a mix of Direct Call to Actions dCTA and Transitional Call to Action tCTA

dCTA = Buy Now

tCTA = Learn More about…, See How…, Watch How…

tCTA is used when customers are not ready to convert on the dCTA

Call to Actions are incredibly powerful. Email me if you want to chat about coming up with CTAs for your business.


Present an Irresistible Offer

  • We deliver

  • We’re passing savings directly to the customer

  • We’re bundling


Irresistible Offers during COVID-19 are:

  • Eases fear

  • Eases boredom

  • Helps customers save money

  • Helps customers stay safe

Creating a compelling offer means that we need to look at our customer's needs. Every business is different and I'm happy to work with you to come up with some ideas. Email me and let's talk about creating irresistible offers.


Leverage Partnerships to Amplify your message

  • Facebook groups

  • Local and community groups

  • Collaborators

  • Influencers

Partnerships are everywhere. Collaboration is welcome in the age of social media. Influencers are waiting to amplify your message. I started my career in digital media by making content for the gaming industry. Email your questions about partnering with creators and communities to amplify your message.


Consider Cause Marketing during a time of crisis

  • Make sure cause marketing is honest

  • Audit your message to make sure it’s empathetic and human during this time

  • Contribute to vulnerable groups that really need our assistance during this time

Cause marketing is about aligning your message to help others in need. Email me if you want to brainstorm ways to give back to the community.


Copywriting tips:

  • Speak with empathy

  • Humanize your message

  • Focus on the needs and concerns of the customer

  • Use Story Loops to hook the audience


Story Loops are ways to start a story

  • When a question is asked

  • When a character is introduced

  • When there’s a mystery

  • When you on a quest

Copywriting is the most important skill in today's digital social age. Email me and let's talk about your messaging and copywriting.


Putting it all together:

  1. Use the Remix Strategy to come up with relevant content

  2. Use cause marketing to create new messaging for your business

  3. Create a landing page as the beginning of your sales funnel

  4. Or post on social media as the beginning of your sales funnel

  5. Use Story Loops to hook audience

  6. Use dCTA and tCTA in messaging to drive customers to convert

  7. Amplify your message with partnerships

  8. Nurture your audience and customers with more content by going back to #1

  9. Don’t stop, keep repeating this sales cycle

Modern businesses need to be savvy in digital communications. Putting content at the heart of your business is a smart investment that earns a huge ROI. I created an eCommerce business in 2006 and built a handful of blog articles that today gets 25k unique monthly visitors.

Email me and let's talk about how to create a modern sales funnel for your business.

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Refresh your Brand

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Create Engaging Content

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Increase your Sales

Are you Looking to Refresh your Brand
for Digital & Social Media?

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Are you debating which social channel is best for your brand?

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Are you struggling to find the right voice for your brand?

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Is your audience not engaging with your brand's message?

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Are you anxious about falling behind in digital & social?

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Do you want a clear path to win at digital & social media?

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Are you looking for a simple plan to help you stay ahead?

Increase Sales by Optimizing your Digital & Social Presence.

Social media is shaping the digital landscape by capturing the attention of emerging audiences with content that is agile, relevant, provocative.

What is your Brand doing to Attract Attention?

We hope you enjoyed the webinar and learned from the powerful marketing strategies we presented. It's now time to get into action.

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